John Williams and the Music of the Movies

20th Century Fox Fanfare
“Conquest” from Captain from Castile (Alfred Newman)
“Conquest” from Captain from Castile (Alfred Newman)
A Place in the Sun (Waxman)
Madame Bovary Waltz (Rozsa)
Theme from Now Voyager (Steiner)
The Inquirer from Citizen Kane
Psycho Montage
Scene d’Amour from Vertigo
Theme from North by Northwest (Herrmann)
Theme from Jurassic Park
“Sayuri’s Theme” from Memoirs of a Gheisha
Excerpts from Fiddler on the Roof
Superman Love Theme and March
Tribute to Lucas and Spielberg
Jaws, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, ET
Imperial March
Yoda’s Theme from Episode II
Harry’s Wonderous World
NBC’s Dateline