Film Fantasia

Also on November 20.
Program: Lieutenant Kije Suite (Prokofiev); Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (Korngold); North by Northwest Overture (Herrmann); “Remembrances” from Schindler’s List (Williams); Psycho Suite (Herrmann); Godfather Suite (Rota).
Free pre-concert talk at 7 pm (Nov. 18)
Cedar Rapids Symphony, 205 Second Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401.
From Sergei Prokofiev to John Williams, 20th Century composers have frequently brought their music to the silver screen, but this music has often been relegated to secondary status by music scholars. Maestro Tiemeyer explores this oft-overlooked genre in a performance highlighting the best of film music, including Bernard Hermann’s opening credits to North by Northwest often considered the (“most perfect work composed for film) and film legend Erich Korngold’s Violin Concerto, featuring CRSO Concertmaster Takuya Horiuchi.“>Cadar Rapids Symphony
Omaha Film Event