That covers the dvds I happen to have of the Perry Mason series. While there were indeed Rawhide vhs-videos available for subscription sale (I have several), no dvds are now available, to my knowledge. So until there is a general release of the dvd series, I will not attempt to identify the Herrmann music quotations of the episodes I happen to have collected (on vhs format). Incidentally, John Elizalde was a music editor for this series, although he principally did editing work for ABC shows (such as The Fugitive where he somehow managed to get permission from Gluskin to use CBS Music Library music for that ABC show!).
I do, however, happen to have the cue sheets (“performance analysis”) for the Rawhide episode titled “Incident of the Devil and His Due” (January 22, 1960). There are 85 quotations listed in three pages. The copy I have is certainly not the best because I cannot read some of the numbers and letters but I’ll provide the music quotations and also my approximate timings in brackets [ ] based on my vhs machine:
“Incident of the Devil and His Due” January 22, 1960
- “Rawhide Main Title” Dimitri Tiomkin/Ned Washington 1:00
- “Rawhide End Title” (CBS 9-58-C-1) Russ Garcia :30
- “Rawhide Main Title” Russ Garcia :25
- “Punctuation # 2” Dimitri Tiomkin :06 [2:31 to 2:36]
- “Collectors Item Main Title” Bernard Herrmann :06 [2:37] Trio of bad men.
- “Mask Funeral March” Lucien Moraweck :05 [2:38 to 3:40]
- “Indian Signals” Bernard Herrmann :55 [5:13 to 6:07]
- “Pursuit Opening” Jerry Goldsmith/Bernard Herrmann :08
- “Quiet Determination # 2” Lucien Moraweck :20 [6:13 to 6:30]
- “Ran Afoul” Jerry Goldsmith :32 [start 6:31]
- “Ran Afoul” Jerry Goldsmith :14
- “Knife Chord” (CBS 8-44-C) Jerry Goldsmith :09 [7:15 to 7:22]
- “Collectors Item Main Title” (CBS 9-44) Bernard Herrmann :06 [start 7:23]
- “The Claw” (CBS 9-44) Bernard Herrmann :20 [7:27 to 7:47]
- “Finale” (CBS 10-11-1) Bernard Herrmann :27 [8:07 to 8:34] House on K Street
- “Unison Punctuations” Dimitri Tiomkin arr. Rene Garriguenc :08 [8:36 to 8:43]
- “Impending Doom” (CBS 10-22) Lucien Moraweck :35 [9:02 to 9:32]
- “Frech Horn Stings” (CBS 7-4) Anonymous :06
- “Rawhide Punctuations” Dimitri Tiomkin, arr. Rene Garriguenc :12
- “Humor Part” William Grant Still :13 [12:41 to 12:53]
- “Comic Suspense Background” Van Phillips :14 [13:38 to 14:28]
- “Headin’ West” Wiilliam Grant Still :53
- “Theme 4” (CBS12) J. Moross :17 [14:29 to 14:44]
- “Collectors Item Main Title” Bernard Herrmann :06
- “The Cat” (CBS 9-56-1) Bernard Herrmann 1:00 [14:50 to 15:50]
- “Curtain” (CBS 7-47-1) Rene Garriguenc :08 [17:19 to 17:28]
- “Unison Punctuations” Dimitri Tiomkin aar. Rene Garriguenc :06
- “Western Desolation” (CBS 9-51-A) Rene Garriguenc :05 [21:22 to 21:31]
- “Headin’ West” William Grant Still :05
- “Dramatic” Dimitri Tiomkin aar. Bowen :17
- “Emotional Unison Bridge” Rene Garriguenc :12 [23:12 to 23:21]
- “Rawhide End Title” Russ Garcia :08 [23:22]
- “Rawhide Main tTitle” Russ Garcia :09
- “Headin’ West” William Grant Still” :09 [24:42 to 26:30]
- “Headin’ West” William Grant Still 1:01
- “Headin’ West” (CBS 8-51-D) Still :10
- “Headin’ West” William Grant Still :30
- “Finale” Bernard Herrmann :27 [26:31 to 26:56] from House on K Street
- “Punctuation # 2” Dimitri Tiomkin :06
- “Rawhide Prelude” Russ Garcia :44
- “Headin’ West” William Grant Still :06 [27:49 to 28:18]
- “Headin’ West” William Grant Still :30
- “Confession # 2” (CBS 9-56-E) Rene Garriguenc :31 [29:14 to 29:45]
- “Impending Doom” Lucien Moraweck :23 [29:46]
- “Impending Doom” Lucien Moraweck :13
- “Headin’ West” William Grant Still :14 [31:00 to 31:14]
- “Collectors Item Main Title” Bernard Herrmann :06 [31:15]
- “Punctuation # 2” Dimitri Tiomkin :07 [32:54]
- “The Arrest” (CBS 8-46-C) Bernard Herrmann :38 [33:00 to 33:34]
- “Shock Therapy # 2” Rene Garriguenc :06 [33:35]
- “Star Chords” (CBS 10-6) Jerry Goldsmith :05
- “Night In The Desert” Dimitri Tiomkin :15 [33:50]
- “Rawhide Theme” (CBS 9-58-D-8) Dimitri Tiomkin :55
- “Indian Signals” Bernard Herrmann 1:00 [35:48]
- “Lead Ins” (CBS 8-56-A) Bernard Herrmann :14 [36:48 to 37:02] “Lead-In F”
- “Knife Chord” Jerry Goldsmith :09 [37:02]
- “The Arrest” Bernard Herrmann :09 [37:06]
- “Indian Signals” Bernard Herrmann :06 [37:21]
- “Quiet day” Dimitri Tiomkin arr. Rene Garriguenc :24 38:47]
- “Lonely Moment” (CBS 10-23) Jerry Goldsmith :39[39:40 to 40:21]She won’t testify
- “Nervous Tension” (CBS 7-56-A) Lucien Moraweck 1:01
- “Star Chords” Jerry Goldsmith :04
- “Strange Visit” Jerry Goldsmith :40 [41:49]
- “String Effects” (CBS 7-23-C) Anonymous :04
- “The Search # 3” Lucien Moraweck :05
- “Knife Chord” Jerry Goldsmith :08 [42:40]
- “Footsteps in the Night” Lucien Moraweck :08
- “Lead Ins” Bernard Herrmann :18 [42:50 to 43:09]
- “Horns in C” (CBS 8-28-C) Anonymous :08 [44:13]
- “Furtive Visitor # 2” Lucien Moraweck :15 [44:21] Spooky cue!
- “Ostinato Suspense” (CBS 8-56-D-3) Rene Garriguenc :16 [44:50]
- “Ostinato Suspense” Rene Garriguenc :41
- “Ostinato Suspense” Rene Garriguenc :19
- “Furtive Visitor” Lucien Moraweck :44 [45:49]
- “Night Vigil # 1” Lucien Moraweck 1:11
- “Violin Tremolos” (CBS 7-29-A) Anonymous :56
- “Fear # 2” (CBS 7-23-A) Lucien Moraweck :20
- “String Flareout” Anonymous :20 [47:36]
- “Shock Therapy #1” (CBS 9-46-A) Rene Garriguenc :07
- “Buildup Chords” Lucien Moraweck :15 [48:06] Rowdy’s gun on bad man]
- “Discouragement # 2” (CBS 9-44) Lucien Moraweck :16
- “Headin’ West” William Grant Still :24
- “Sneak and Finale” J. Moross/Rene Garriguenc :26
- “Rawhide End Title” Dimitri Tiomkin/Ned Washington 1:00
- “Punctuation # 1” Dimitri Tiomkin :06